Test bank Calculation of Drug Dosages 11th Edition Ogden

Calculation of Drug Dosages, 11th Edition Part I: Review of Mathematics Review of Mathematics Pretest 1. Fractions 2. Decimals 3. Percents 4. Ratios 5. Proportions Review of Mathematics Post-test Part II: Units and Measurements for the Calculation of Drug Dosages 6. Metric and Household Measurements 7. Calculations Used in Patient Assessments Part III: Preparation for Calculation of Drug Dosages 8.Safety in Medication Administration 9. Interpretation of the Physician's Orders 10. Reading Medication Labels Part IV: Calculation of Drug Dosages 11. Oral Dosages 12. Parenteral Dosages 13. Dosages Measured in Units 14. Reconstitution of Medications 15. Intravenous Flow Rates 16. Intravenous Flow Rates for Dosages Measured in Units 17. Critical Care Intravenous Flow Rates 18. Pediatric Dosages 19. Obstetric Dosages

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  • Pages 84
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University Harvard University
  • Course Nursing
  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2022
  • Keywords Test bank Calculation of Drug Dosages 11th Edition Ogden
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