Food Safety Manager Flash Cards Exam Questions with correct Answers latest 2024( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED).

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Food Safety Manager Flash Cards Exam Questions with correct Answers latest 2024( A+ GRADED 100% VERIFIED).

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Exam Elaboration


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  • Pages 7
  • School / University University of Texas Dallas
  • Course Nursing
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • Course Level Uncategorized
  • Year 2024
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    180 - ANSWER In a heat-sanitizing dishwashing machine, what is the minimum temperature for the final rinse? Jaundice, vomiting and/or diarrhea - ANSWER A food handler must be excluded from the food establishment for which symptoms? 41 to 135 - ANSWER What is the temperature range for the danger zone? spore - ANSWER What is the form some bacteria take to keep from dying when they do not have enough food? state - ANSWER Most regulations for food service operations are at what level? 41 or lower - ANSWER At what internal temperature should raw meat, poultry, and seafood be stored? insulated container - ANSWER What type of container should be used to transport TCS food from the place of preparation to the place of service? practice the skill - ANSWER To learn a new skill, learners must be given the opportunity to __. close the affected area and clean it - ANSWER A backup of raw sewage has occurred in the kitchen. What should happen next? minimum internal cooking temperature of food - ANSWER When using a bottom to top shelving order, what determines the best placement of food in a cooler? cross-connection - ANSWER A hose connected to a running faucet that is left submerged in a bucket is an example of what? sneezing, itching, vomiting, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, hives, rashes, eczema, etc. - ANSWER A customer having an allergic reaction may show which 9+ symptoms? pasteurized - ANSWER Raw or undercooked dishes made for highly-susceptible populations (HSPs) must use eggs that have been __. Exposure Time, Temperature (Avoid 131 F+), Concentration, Water pH and Hardness (Avoid 7.5+); Not the Liquid's Color - ANSWER The effectiveness of chemical sanitizers are effected by __, __, __, and __, but NOT its __. state or local regulatory authority - ANSWER Which agencies enforces food safety in a food service operation? time-temperature abuse - ANSWER What can cause histamine to form in tuna? 1. deny pests access to the operation 2. deny pests food, water, and a nesting or hiding place 3. work with a licensed PCO to eliminate pests that do enter the operation - ANSWER What are the three rules of an integrated pest management program (IPM) program? 16 mesh per square inch screening - ANSWER All screens for windows and vents must meet this requirement. touching the walls - ANSWER When deciding were to place dry goods for storage in a dry-storage area it is important that the dry goods NOT be ____. 90 days after the container has been emptied or the last shellfish that was served from the container - ANSWER How long must shellstock tags be kept on file? 24 hours - ANSWER You should label all ready to eat TCS food that is prepped in house and held longer than ___. vacuum-breaker - ANSWER What is the only certain way to prevent backflow? when hired, daily (i.e. on-the-job), weekly, monthly, quarterly, and whenever necessary - ANSWER When should employees receive food safety training? 165 - ANSWER TCS food must be reheated to what temperature for 15 seconds within 2 hours show if food has been time-temperature abused during shipment - ANSWER What do time-temperature indicators do? at room temperature - ANSWER What is one way that food should NEVER be thawed? 165 - ANSWER What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for poultry? Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - ANSWER What does HACCP stand for? HACCP system - ANSWER What system is used to control risks and hazards throughout the flow of food 1. Conduct a hazard analysis 2. determine critical control points (CCPs) 3. establish critical limits 4. establish monitoring procedures 5. identify corrective actions 6. verify that the system works 7. establish procedures for record keeping and documentation - ANSWER What are the 7 steps in developing an HACCP plan? 1. cool food from 135 to 70 within 2 hours 2. cool food from 135 to 41 within 6 hours - ANSWER What are the "two" steps in cooling TCS food? bimetallic stemmed thermometer - ANSWER Which thermometer or probe is good for checking the temperature of large or thick food? thermocouples and thermistors - ANSWER Which thermometer or probe is good for checking the temperature of thick and thin food immersion probes - ANSWER Which thermometer or probe is good for checking the temperature of liquids, like soups, sauces, and frying oil 165 for 15 seconds - ANSWER What is the minimum internal temperature for poultry, stuffing, stuffed meat or seafood or pasta, dishes that include previously cooked, TCS ingredients? 155 for 15 seconds - ANSWER What is the minimum internal temperature for ground meat or seafood, injected meat, and eggs for hot held service? 145 for 15 seconds - ANSWER What is the minimum internal temperature for seafood, steaks, pork chop, and eggs that will be served immediately? 145 for 4 minutes - ANSWER What is the minimum internal temperature for roasts of pork, beef? 135 - ANSWER What is the minimum internal temperature for commercially processed food that will be hot held? 135 - ANSWER What is the minimum internal temperature for fruit, vegetables, grains like rice, and legumes or beans that will be hot held for service? Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program - ANSWER The best way to deal with pests is to have an __ program. detergent - ANSWER The most common type of cleaner in a food establishment. moderately-alkaline and highly-alkaline - ANSWER What are the two categories of detergents? moderately-alkaline - ANSWER This category of detergent is used mostly for standard cleaning tasks such as utensil and food prep surface cleaning moderately-alkaline - ANSWER This category of detergent works best on fresh loose soil types. highly-alkaline - ANSWER This category of detergent is considered "heavy duty". highly-alkaline - ANSWER This category of detergent is used on hard-to-clean,baked-on or dried-on food soil. abrasives - ANSWER These are added to cleaners to help scrub-off hard to clean and grease soil. degreaser - ANSWER These are added to cleaners to help dissolve grease, fat and oil. delimer - ANSWER These are designed to remove stains caused by mineral deposits such as calcium and lime scale. They can also remove rust stains. Pre-scrape, clean, rinse, sanitize, air dry - ANSWER What are the 5 steps in using in a 3 compartment sink? 6 inches - ANSWER Store tableware and utensils at least ___ off the floor. chemicals - ANSWER Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) has requirements for using __ Material Safety Data sheet - ANSWER OSHA requires chemical manufacturers and suppliers to provide a ____ for each hazardous chemical they sell inform employees of safe use and hazards associated with chemicals used in the operation - ANSWER What is the purpose of Material Safety Data Sheets? 1. Creating a Master Cleaning Schedule 2. Training your employees to follow it 3. Monitoring the program to make sure it works - ANSWER What are the 3 things to focus on when developing a cleaning program? virus - ANSWER What type of pathogen is enterovirus? virus - ANSWER What type of pathogen is hepatitis A? virus - ANSWER What type of pathogen is hepatitis E? virus - ANSWER What type of pathogen is norovirus? virus - ANSWER What type of pathogen is rotavirus? person's intestines - ANSWER Where is the only place a foodborne VIRUS can reproduce? surface temperature - ANSWER What is an infrared thermometer used to measure? rodent infestation - ANSWER When inspecting your facility for pests, you notice a pile of soft materials in a corner. This is a sign of a possible ___. thrown out immediately - ANSWER Hot TCS food that has been held below 135 for over 4 hours should be ___. the federal government's recommendations for food service sanitation regulations - ANSWER What is the FDA food code? keep the food handler away from duties that involve food - ANSWER What should a manager do when a food handler reports being diagnosed with shigellosis? use a test kit to check the sanitizer's concentration when mixing it - ANSWER What is the best way to make sure that the chemical sanitizer is at the correct strength? insert the thermometer of the stem into the thickest part of the product - ANSWER what is the right way to measure the temperature of fresh meat, poultry, or seafood when it is delivered 41 or lower - ANSWER cold TCS food must be received at what internal temperature 165 - ANSWER what is the minimum internal cooking temperature for TCS food cooked in a microwave? the date the food should be sold - ANSWER Labels on containers of ready to eat TCS food that was prepped on site must include ___. cleaned, rinsed, and sanitized - ANSWER if a food contact surface has been soiled, what three actions must be performed before it can be used again? every 4 hours - ANSWER if a food contact surface is in constant use, how often must it be cleaned and sanitized 100 - ANSWER what temperature does the water have to be for washing hands 1 hour - ANSWER a food handler who spends an entire shift deboning chicken should change gloves after fully describe each menu item to customers who ask, including any secret ingredients - ANSWER when taking the orders of customers with food allergies, a server should acids in the food can leach zinc into the food - ANSWER why should food NOT be stored in a galvanized container botulism - ANSWER food commonly linked with the bacteria are dented cans, baked potatoes sous-vide - ANSWER cooking food in an airtight bag in hot water at 140 degrees for a long period of time shiga toxin producing e coli - ANSWER linked with contaminated ground beef and produce cooking food in the right temperature - ANSWER can reduce salmonella spp. in poultry to safe levels wash their hands - ANSWER viruses such as norovirus and hepatitis a can be spread when foodhandlers fail to toxic metal poisoning - ANSWER cooking tomato sauce in a copper pot can cause which food borne illness

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