California DMV Permit Practice Test Questions and Answers 100% Pass

California DMV Permit Practice Test Questions and Answers 100% Pass It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _____ or higher. ✔✔0.08% - Eight hundredths of one percent You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: ✔✔Sell or transfer your vehicle When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving? ✔✔When making a call for emergency assistance Which of the following increases your chances of having a collision? ✔✔Continually changing lanes to pass other vehicles At dawn or dusk, or in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. As good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn: ✔✔On your headlights When changing lanes on a freeway, you should: ✔✔Signal for at least five seconds Which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists? ✔✔Motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists Pedestrians crossing at corners have the right-of-way: ✔✔Weather or not a cross walk is marked Which if these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks? ✔✔Tank Trucks marked with hazardous materials placards A police officer is signaling you to continue driving through a red traffic light. What should you do? ✔✔Do as the officer tells you Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is: ✔✔Illegal at all times You must use your seat belt: ✔✔And failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket Which of the following will help you to avoid being hit from behind? ✔✔Decreasing your following distance You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one-way street : ✔✔If traffic on the street is moving to the left This white sign means: ✔✔Stay in the right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic Highways are typically most slippery: ✔✔When it first starts to rain after a dry spell When planning to pass another vehicle you should: ✔✔Not count on other drivers making room for you Large trucks turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction: ✔✔Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn When making a right turn from a highway with two lanes in your direction you may turn from: ✔✔The lane nearest the curb or edge of the roadway What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights? ✔✔You cannot turn on a red arrow, even if you stop first You should use your horn when: ✔✔It may help prevent a collision You want to turn left ahead. In the middle of the road there is a lane marked as shown. You must: ✔✔Merge completely into this lane before you make your left turn You should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following large trucks because: ✔✔You need the extra room to see around the truck Which of these statements about drugs and driving is true? ✔✔Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving This yellow sign means: ✔✔Merging traffic ahead At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: ✔✔Look to the sides of your vehicle If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and turn on you: ✔✔Headlights

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  • Pages 39
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University other / unknown
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  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2024
  • Keywords California DMV Permit Practice Test Questions and Answers 100% Pass
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