Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022

Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022 Basics of Nursing Practice • A nurse discusses the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) with the client who has a history of alcoholism. What need must self-help groups such as AA meet to be successful? o Belonging Rationale Self-help groups are successful because they support a basic human need for acceptance. A feeling of comfort and safety and a sense of belonging may be achieved in a nonjudgmental, supportive, sharing experience with others. AA meets dependency needs rather than focusing on independence, trust, and growth. • The registered nurse is explaining basic rules for documentation to a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Which statements made by the LPN indicate effective learning? Select all that apply. o "I will document the details when observed." o "I will record in the chart using black ink pen." Rationale The LPN should document the details when they are observed, but the details should not be written based on opinions. Black ink pen should be used to record in the chart. The LPN should not include generalized empty phrases in the details. The LPN should never leave empty lines in the chart because another person may enter additional or incorrect information. The LPN should not wait until end of shift to record important changes that occurred several hours earlier,but record the events when they occur. • The nurse resolves a conflict with another nurse by using accommodation. In what situations is accommodation appropriate for resolving conflict? Select all that apply. o When facing trivial issues o When the other person's solutions appear better o When harmonious relationships have to be preserved Rationale Appropriate reasons for accommodating to resolve conflict include when the issues are trivial or not important, when the other person's ideas or solutions are better, or when harmonious relationships have to be preserved. Avoiding defensiveness is not an appropriate reason to accommodate when resolving conflict. Gathering more information is not an appropriate reason to accommodate when resolving conflicts, unless that additional information has shown that the nurse has made a mistake. Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022 • What does the nurse plan to do before administering preoperative medication to a client? o Verifying consent Rationale Consent must be acquired when the client is fully oriented and in a clear mental state. Although important, having the client void can be implemented before surgery even if the client has received medication. Although important, checking the vital signs can be implemented before surgery even if the client has received medication. Although important, removing the client's dentures can be implemented before surgery even if the client has received medication. • A nursing student is recalling the order of priority for giving consent to perform an autopsy in cases where a medical examiner review is not needed. Which person receives the highest priority for giving consent? o The client in writing before death Rationale If a medical examiner's review is not necessary, the highest priority is given to the client. The client may provide the consent in writing before death. If the client or the surviving spouse is unable to give consent for the autopsy, a surviving child may be requested to give consent. The surviving parent may give consent for an autopsy if the

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  • Pages 60
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University Harvard University
  • Course Nursing
  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2022
  • Keywords Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022, Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022, Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022, Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022, Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022 Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022 Basics of Nursing Practice NCLEXPN Remediation 2022
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