ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing

ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing 1. Complete an ATI Focused Review® and send me a detailed summary (2-3 sentences each) of 4 concepts that you learned from the focused review. Interventions for prolapsed umbilical cord • Call for assistance immediately, notifying the provider • Reposition the client in a knee-chest , Trendelenburg or, side-lying position with a rolled towel under the client’s right or left hip to relieve pressure on the cord • Apply a warm, sterile, saline-soaked towel to the visible cord to prevent drying and maintain blood flow Priority interventions to prevent meconium aspiration • Assess neonate’s respiratory efforts, muscle tone, and heart rate • Suction mouth and nose using a bulb syringe if respiratory efforts are strong, muscle tone , and heart rate greater than 100/min • Suction below vocal cords using an endotracheal tube before spontaneous breath occurs if respirations are depressed, muscle tone decreased, and heart rate less than 100/min Findings of contraction stress test • Negative CST ( normal findings): Indicated if within a 10min period, with three uterine contractions, there are no late decelerations of the FHR

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  • Pages 9
  • Category Exam Elaboration
  • School / University Harvard University
  • Course Nursing
  • Course Level University level
  • Year 2022
  • Keywords ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing,ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing ,ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing ,ATI VATI maternal newborn remediation_2022/2023 – Chamberlain College of Nursing
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